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Gold Standard Drug Database

Integrated drug database and clinical support engine

With Gold Standard Drug Database you can integrate timely drug data into applications supporting patient safety, information technology and operational value. It is built with an adaptive and responsive data model that can grow with your business.

GoldStandardDrugDatabase Drug Overview Monograph Update Posology Header

Market-leading timeliness

Outdated drug information puts clinicians at a disadvantage when treating patients and could lead to medication errors and increased costs. That’s why we update our data and make it available daily to ensure critical information is available when you need it.

  • Access pertinent, evidence-based content as soon as it is available

  • Avoid dispensing delays, costly mistakes and position patient safety as a priority to avoid medication errors

  • Rely on trusted content managed by board certified specialty PharmDs

  • Gain confidence with Drug Utilization Review (DUR) screening criteria and management

Notificiations Drug Updates Releases Benefit

Paperless medication education – coming soon

This innovative product provides retail customers and other stakeholders with access to digital-based patient education leaflets and medication guides.

  • Empower patients with easy access to invaluable knowledge regarding their treatment plan.

  • Provide patients with quick access to comprehensive medication education materials and guides. Patient education leaflets are available in up to 21 languages. Med guides are available in English only.

  • Utilize flexible delivery options via API or exports. API delivery provides a convenient method for disseminating information to your customers, while QR codes or URLs provide easy access to medication education for end-users.

Man standing at desk and looking at iPad

Educación sobre fármacos centrada en las personas

Aproveche los recursos de educación de medicamentos que fomentan la implicación del paciente y cuidadores, ayude a su comprensión del tratamiento y motive a los pacientes a apoyar el control de su propia salud.

  • Implique a los pacientes en el autocuidado con materiales imprimibles personalizados que indican su medicación e instrucciones para su administración.

  • Utilice llas hojas de paciente en un formato y estructura adecuados para ayudar a los pacientes a comprender y seguir las pautas de sus fármacos.

woman looking at partner feeding baby

Adaptive and responsive data model

Our database delivers content in an adaptive data model by housing content in a single, normalized data structure to promote efficiency, database performance, and limitless adaption and scale allowing you to use the data to your advantage.

  • Maximize data integration by automating updates on your schedule

  • Fosters easy integration with flexible delivery options

  • Reduce internal IT resources with no manual data entry and workarounds

  • Count on modern API configuration and flexibility of relational best practice

  • Demonstrates content in related tables for faster exporting and query building

Control Data Interaction Update Benefit

Modern API and relational configuration

Gold Standard Drug Database supports a modern API and relational configuration for easy data delivery, offering 32 levels of hierarchy from ingredient level to drug product including both therapeutic and pharmacologic class for clinical analysis.

  • Easily determine product differences

  • Capitalize on limited distribution to exclude products not relative to your business

  • Benefit from linking all industry-standard identifiers with a unique package id

  • Value our brand/generic status assigned by manufacturers intent independent of license type or price which eliminates manual editing

Graph Minus 30 Percent Operational Inefficiency Benefit

Choose from multiple suites

Comprehensive drug information delivered in a variety of suites to fit your needs:

  • Drug product & images suites

  • Drug pricing suite

  • Reference suite

  • Clinical decision support & prescriber order entry Suite

  • Patient education suite

Two pharmacists at drug dispensary

Why choose the Gold Standard Drug Database?

Updated Daily New Release Feature

Delivering Data Daily

Ensures quick, credible, and efficient data delivery through flexible technology
UI illustration showcasing certified content for Dicloenac usages

Evidence-based, pertinent content

Trusted content managed by board-certified, specialty PharmDs
Modular Format Feature

Solutions for every healthcare setting

Designed in a modular format to bring in the information you need and none of the clutter you don’t
NCD Product Code Feature

Alleviate NDC confusion

While NDC changes can cause tracking problems in other drug databases, Gold Standard Drug Database uses a proprietary identifier to track product/package numbers

We can help you get started with Gold Standard Drug Database

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