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Bei Elsevier publizieren

Not Alone: Leaders in Focus

16. September 2024 | 2 Min. zur Lektüre

Von Not Alone Contributors

Recent Not Alone contributors include Prof Rafael L Bras and Prof Nancy Hopkins; (left to right) Mung Chiang; PhD; Sarah C Mangelsdorf, PhD; Allan E Goodman, PhD; and Kristina M Johnson, PhD.

Recent Not Alone contributors include Prof Rafael L Bras and Prof Nancy Hopkins; and (left to right) Prof Mung Chiang, PhD; Prof Sarah C Mangelsdorf, PhD; Allan E Goodman, PhD; and Kristina M Johnson, PhD.

Unfiltered perspectives on global issues by research and academic leaders

Letter from the Editor

Not Alone is designed to disseminate the ideas of established, extraordinary academic leaders to inspire, provoke and spark conversation. Contributors are chosen for their prominence and influence in research, higher education and related fields. They select the topics — with conviction and passion being the only requirements. Our format includes short essays, video interviews and an upcoming podcast series.

Prof Rafael L Bras, ScD

Prof Rafael L Bras, ScD

New video series

There are times when the subject matter and the essence of the leader cannot be fully conveyed in a short written piece. For that reason, we are thrilled to introduce Not Alone: Conversations with Leaders. These videos — and future podcasts — will explore individuals and subject matter in depth to convey a textured message. (You can find the videos in the queue below.)

Rafael L Bras, ScD | Editor, Not Alone; Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology

Not Alone Editor Prof Dr Rafael L Bras interviews Dr Freeman Hrabowski, President Emeritus of UMBC (The University of Maryland, Baltimore County).

Hrabowski: Transforming UMBC into a top STEM university

For the video series "Not Alone: Conversation with Leaders," Prof Rafael L Bras of Georgia Tech University interviews Dr Nancy Hopkins, Professor of Biology at MIT about a pioneering gender study she spearheaded at MIT in 1994.

Hopkins: Pioneering change at MIT

Prof Rafael Bras of Georgia Tech, Editor of Not Alone, interviews three professors behind the historic "Study on the Status of Women Faculty in Science at MIT."

Transforming gender culture at MIT

Quote by Purdue University President Mung Chiang: "The public land-grant university of today is ideally placed to lead the acceleration of talent, job co-creation and urban engagement."

Encouraging innovation and commercialization as an academic leader

By Kristina M Johnson, PhD | August 19, 2024
Quote card for Kristina M Johnson, PhD, Past President of Ohio State University: "As academic leaders, we have a key role to play by supporting breakthrough research  ... and the commercialization of the best inventions that emerge from our laboratories."
University of Rochester President Sarah C Mangelsdorf writes: "I believe in free speech and the right to protest. But ... I also believe there should be some limits on speech and protests — and consequences for breaking university regulations."
Allan E Goodman quote card

The brain science behind effective leadership

By Ralph de La Vega | May 15, 2024
Quote by Ralph de la Vega, former Vice Chairman of AT&T: "Leaders who have learned to use both brain networks and switch seamlessly from one to the other will be better equipted to handle tough challenges."
Quote by Dr Theresa Mayer, VP for Research at Carnegie Mellon University: "AI for Science — a new paradigm for scientific discovery and translation, has the potential to accelerate the pace of innovation like never before."

The role of universities in catalyzing social change

By Ana Mari Cauce, PhD | March 12, 2024
Quote card: Prof Ana Mari Cauce, President of the University of Washington, writes: "Our universities must remain arenas where social and political issues can be freely discussed from a broad array of perspectives."

Universities as tools of diplomacy

By L Rafael Reif, PhD | Feb 14, 2024
Quote by L Rafael Reif, President Emeritus, MIT:  "Once faculty and students from countries with long-standing animosities begin working together for a higher cause, they can often overcome their cultural biases and learn to respect each other as peers."

Connectivity is a thing, is THE thing

By Bob Metcalfe, PhD | January 17, 2024
Bob Metcalfe: "Neurons are 1K times larger and 1M times slower than transistors, but still they out-computer transistors. Howe do we explain this paradox?"
Quote by Prof Christine Ortiz, PhD: "The cross-disciplinary integration of technological research and development processes with humanistic fields and the social sciences is a critical challenge and opportunity.
Barbara R Snyder, President of the American Association of Universities, writes about the value of global partnerships.
Prof Darryll J Pines, President of the University of Maryland, says “the nation’s interests are best served by encouraging more high school students to pursue engineering.”

Evidence-based assessment, equity and opportunity

By Margaret Sheil, AO, FAA, FTSE | Sept 13, 2023
Prof Margaret Sheil quote card about metrics and other indicators

Universities must be catalysts for sustainable development

By Cherry Murray, PhD; E William Colglazier, PhD; Franklin Carrero-Martinez, PhD; and Emi Kameyama | Aug 7, 2023
Quote card with authors Cherry Murray, PhD, E William Colglazier, PhD; Franklin Carrero-Martinez, PhD, and Emi Kameyama
Sir Anton Muscatelli quote card
Quote card for Cynthia K Larive, PhD, Chancellor for the University of Calilfornia, Santa Cruz
It has become common to view data as the new oil. But how do we move beyond a limited set pf proprietary oil wells to alternative energy resources that are more readily available.
Gary S May quote card

Failing to ultimately succeed

By Mike Mussallem | March 9, 2023
Mike Mussallem quote card

Know yourself to become a better leader

By Marcia McNutt, PhD | February 9, 2023
Marcia McNutt quote card
Anant Agarwal quote

To save the planet, teach public engagement

By Mary Woolley | December 12, 2022
Mary Woolley quote

Engineering leadership to advance women’s health

By John L Anderson, PhD | November 14, 2022
John Anderson quote
Dan Reed quote

The silver lining for health equity in the COVID-19 pandemic

By Valerie Montgomery Rice, MD, FACOG | August 22, 2022
Valerie Montgomery Rice on ' The silver lining for  health equity in the COVID-19 Pandemic'

Gilda A Barabino quote

Toward a platform for universal learning

By Michael M Crow, PhD | June 22, 2022
Michael Crow quote
Christopher Eisgruber quote


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Not Alone Contributors