Insights 2024: Attitudes toward AI

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The success of the next generation of healthcare providers depends on efficient, effective learning strategies.
Preparing future clinicians for a successful career means we need to engage students meaningfully across diverse learning environments and focus on competency-based learning to ensure they are practice-ready.
Educators globally are looking to fill the practical experience gap that exists due to limited access to clinical placements, which is impacting the readiness of medical and nursing students.
Through the development and implementation of more innovative educational resources, including simulation and dynamic anatomy tools, we can help in part address the lack of clinical experience.
Elsevier Health is providing solutions that can help support the development of practice-ready clinicians, not just test-ready, through enhanced clinical skills and competency-based assessments.
We are developing exciting ways to explore and find answers and enabling students to use dialogue to develop their optimal way of learning.
By providing a more personalized learning experience, and addressing their individual challenges, we meet students where they are and support each stage of their medical career.
Solutions like HeartX, Osmosis, and Complete Anatomy, are powerful visual learning tools that help simplify the complex nature of medical education, making the healthcare field more accessible — and setting students up for success.
Engaging students meaningfully across diverse learning environments is key to ensuring tomorrow’s clinicians are practice-ready.
Elsevier Executives explore the challenges facing nursing and medical students.
At Elsevier, we’re on a mission to equip future healthcare professionals with the skills they need to thrive in real-world practice. By harnessing the power of generative AI, our educational tools boost critical skills like information-gathering, critical thinking, and empathy.
This approach addresses the global shortage of nurses and clinicians by enhancing the quality and speed of education. Our users benefit from conversational AI for understanding clinical research and preparing educational materials, transforming healthcare education with personalized instruction and streamlined course creation for a brighter future.
"In recent years, we've made significant advancements using AI technology powered by evidence-based content to bridge the skills gap for students entering the healthcare profession. This includes tools and digital solutions that simulate the clinical setting, fostering empathy for patient care and enhancing students' ability to deliver optimal care to improve patient outcomes.”
Kevonne Holloway
Managing Director, Global Content Partners at Elsevier
Teach and learn with the world’s most advanced 3D anatomy platform
Strengthen skills, confidence and satisfaction for novice nurses
Clinical skills for competency management and nursing procedures
Equip medical students and faculty with the knowledge they need, when they need it
Evidence-based knowledge supports optimal patient care