Insights 2024: Attitudes toward AI

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Elsevier 3D4Medical 的 Osmosis 和 Complete Anatomy 等解決方案是強大的視覺學習工具,有助於簡化醫學教育的複雜性,使醫療領域更容易進入,並為學生的成功奠定基礎。
我們熱情的創新者,全球醫學教育團隊 Osmosis 創始人兼首席執行長 Shiv Gaglani 和Elsevier 3D4Medical 產品、設計和開發總監 Irene Walsh,討論技術如何重塑我們教育學生的方式。
At Elsevier, we’re on a mission to equip future healthcare professionals with the skills they need to thrive in real-world practice. By harnessing the power of generative AI, our educational tools boost critical skills like information-gathering, critical thinking, and empathy.
This approach addresses the global shortage of nurses and clinicians by enhancing the quality and speed of education. Our users benefit from conversational AI for understanding clinical research and preparing educational materials, transforming healthcare education with personalized instruction and streamlined course creation for a brighter future.
"In recent years, we've made significant advancements using AI technology powered by evidence-based content to bridge the skills gap for students entering the healthcare profession. This includes tools and digital solutions that simulate the clinical setting, fostering empathy for patient care and enhancing students' ability to deliver optimal care to improve patient outcomes.”
Kevonne Holloway
Elsevier 的 Managing Director, Global Content Partners