Publishing Lab
Collaborate with us to innovate publishing

Enhancing the publishing experience
At Elsevier, we are constantly looking for new ways to improve the way we publish in order to enhance the overall experience for researchers. Having direct input and feedback from the scientific community is essential to ensure we develop tools and services that researchers find important and useful.
Through the Elsevier Publishing Lab, we aim to interact with a wide cross-section of the author, reviewer and editor communities and learn about their impressions of the various ideas and experiments that we are considering. As a member of the Publishing Lab, you will be able to directly influence the development of these experiments and will play a pivotal role in shaping the tools for a new generation of researchers.
To sign up, please send an email to [email protected] abre em uma nova guia/janela
Have a great idea yourself?
Got a great idea for a publishing improvement yourself? We'd love to hear it! Please feel free to send your suggestions to [email protected] abre em uma nova guia/janela
For authors Developing innovative ideas ranging from facilitating collaboration and improving papers to getting articles noticed by the right audience.
For reviewers Exploring novel reviewing models and tools and recognizing reviewers’ efforts in a tangible way.
For editors Helping editors to work more efficiently and manage their workload and enabling them to make quicker and better-informed decisions.
Innovation examples
Author Transfer Tool
Helping authors find the best home for their submission
We know it is disappointing for authors to have a manuscript rejected. But rejection isn’t the end of the road. Many manuscripts are turned down because their content does not fit well with the aims and scope of the journal to which it was submitted. To support authors in finding the best suited journal for their paper, we are developing the Transfer Tool on top of our Article Transfer Service. After receiving a transfer decision, authors are directed to a page with alternative journal recommendations, offering insightful information on these alternative journals. The Transfer Tool is currently in pilot stage; should the experiment be successful we intend to scale up. We’d love to hear your feedback!

Introducing Volunteering to review
Volunteering to review enabled through Reviewer Hub
We know that editors often struggle when it comes to finding reviewers. We also know from previous studies and experiments that many researchers would like to get involved in the peer-review process of the journal of their choice. We are now onboarding these review volunteers on Reviewer Hub abre em uma nova guia/janela, the new version of our Reviewer Recognition Platform. Journal editors will be able to find and select the volunteers upon searching for reviewers in Editorial Manager. After submitting their review report, the handling editor provides the reviewers with concise and personalized feedback about their review, thereby turning it into a learning experience.

Manuscript dashboard
Helping editors make well-informed decisions
With the Manuscript Dashboard, we are using the power of data science to help editors making faster yet well-informed decisions. The tool provides additional information about the submission, such as information about the authors and co-authors, similar published articles in the journal (and in other journals), and highlights similar articles published by the same author group. All this information is displayed in an easy-to-grasp dashboard, which is available via a single click for all new submissions. Already successfully tested on EVISE, we aim to pilot this tool on Editorial Manager soon - stay tuned!