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Bring knowledge back to Earth

Let's come together and demonstrate the impact that research has on the real world.

Download the report

Call for change

In today's complex world, addressing global challenges requires translating knowledge into tangible societal benefits.  At the same time, there's a heartfelt call for reform within the academic community, driven by a desire for improved recognition, fairer career paths, and better incentives. In this environment, universities and funding agencies are under increased scrutiny to demonstrate the impact of their work, align with national priorities and prove their value to the public, funders, and stakeholders.  This journey goes beyond conventional metrics; it's about a shared commitment to making a meaningful difference. 

Back to Earth animated video (thumbnail)


Download these reports to explore the academic community's perspectives on the future of academic evaluation and impact.

Back to Earth

Exploring academia’s desire to demonstrate the real-world impact of research and set a trajectory for more holistic evaluation, Back to Earth: Landing real-world impact in academic evaluation examines progress to date, barriers to change, and potential next steps.

Gain insights into the perspectives of 400 surveyed academic leaders, funders and researchers on the importance of impact in research evaluation and how the academic community must work together to evolve current systems.

Download the Back to Earth report

Back to Earth report cover

The Future of Evaluation

Institutions and their researchers face mounting pressure to demonstrate their wider value; for example, their contributions in areas such as open science, societal change, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

At the same time, there are calls to improve recognition and incentives and provide researchers with fairer career paths. The academic community needs a new evaluation structure that not only meets all these needs, but is equitable, effective, and inclusive.

In this report, we hear from global academic leaders and heads of funding bodies about what they would like to see change and how they see the system evolving. 

Download the Future of Evaluation report

Future of Evaluation

Webinar Recordings

Hear a summary of report findings and how university leaders are addressing the evolution of academic evaluation and understanding of impact at their institutions.

Session 1: Asia-Pacific and Australia/New Zealand se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana

Session 2: Europe and Americas se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana

Session 1 speakers

Dr Nick Fowler


Nick Fowler

Chief Academic Officer


Leer más acerca de Nick Fowler
Lily Kong - headshot


Lily Kong


Singapore Management University

Leer más acerca de Lily Kong
Jay Seigel - headshot


Jay Seigel

Professor and Senior Advisor

Hong Kong University

Leer más acerca de Jay Seigel

Session 2 speakers

Frank Coton - headshot


Frank Coton

Senior Vice Principal and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)

University of Glasgow

Leer más acerca de Frank Coton
Art Ellis - headshot


Art Ellis

Senior Advisor


Leer más acerca de Art Ellis

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