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Shadow Health®

Shadow Health®


Shadow Health simulation characters

Shadow Health is for:

Nursing Students

Allow your students to practice the skills needed to develop clinical judgment and clinical reasoning, empowering them to improve patient outcomes when they enter clinical practice.


Give your novice nurses a safe, realistic learning environment to sharpen their clinical reasoning and therapeutic communication skills as they transition to practice.

Shadow Health的優點包括:

Shadow Health的護理模擬產品系列為實務訓練和以病患為中心的學習,提供了一個有效和可擴展的途徑。有了Shadow Health,您可以: - 讓學習者在安全的模擬臨床環境中磨練他們的技能 - 提供真實患者的情況 - 培養與多樣化患者的治療性溝通技巧 - 培養學習者在實務中改善患者病情

Shadow Health and Elsevier logos

Explore Shadow Health

Shadow Health digital standardized patients

Digital Standardized Patients™

Diverse in demographics and medical conditions
Shadow Health screenshot of patient in a clinic

Natural Language Conversation Engine

Learners engage with patients using their own words
3D illustration of throat inspection

Patient Exam Activities

Learners gather assessment data and make care decisions
Screenshot of Shadow Health student performance index feature

Student Performance Index™

Immediate measurements of clinical reasoning abilities