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Built for nursing and healthcare education, this innovative teaching and learning technology offers interactive course content with a variety of assignment types, quizzing tools, and teaching resources to engage students and achieve learning objectives.
Explore the digital teaching and learning technology built specifically for healthcare education. With its interactive lesson content, personalized quizzing, Sherpath AI, and Osmosis videos, Sherpath allows you to accommodate a diverse student population with varying learning styles.
Sherpath helps you seamlessly integrate clinical judgment and NGN prep into the curriculum through newly developed cases and items for the NGN.
With Sherpath AI, users can interact using natural language to engage in a back-and-forth exchange of questions and answers in the moment of learning, creating a more engaging experience that complements Sherpath’s teaching and learning resources.
Osmosis is an on-demand health education tool that helps actively engage students and foster their success through bite-sized, illustrated videos.
A carefully curated series of Osmosis videos is seamlessly integrated into select Sherpath lessons. With the addition of Osmosis videos, Sherpath becomes an even more interactive and effective learning environment to help students master key concepts and strengthen their nursing competency and clinical judgment.