7 名來自 Global South 的女科學家因食品安全研究獲得認可
2023 年 OWSD-Elsevier 基金會女科學家獎嘉獎了來自貝南、玻利維亞、瓜地馬拉、巴勒斯坦、蒙古、南非和斯里蘭卡的研究員。

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2023 年 OWSD-Elsevier 基金會女科學家獎嘉獎了來自貝南、玻利維亞、瓜地馬拉、巴勒斯坦、蒙古、南非和斯里蘭卡的研究員。
“I surveyed more than 100 villages across Benin. I was shocked by the losses caused by pests, but also by the distress of the farmers trying to use chemical insecticides to control them.”
Prof Yeyinou Laura Estelle Loko, PhD
National University of Sciences, Technologies, Engineering and Mathematics (UNSTIM) 的 Associate Professor of Zoology and Genetics