Insights 2024: Attitudes toward AI

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資訊瘟疫就像流行病一樣:大量資訊突然湧入並迅速傳播。Elsevier 提供相關、準確、經過審查的資訊來幫助緩解不安全感,使醫療從業人員能夠高效率、有效地回應公眾需求。
錯誤資訊普遍存在,無論資訊是否準確,過多資訊會導致混亂、不確定性和不信任。選擇 Elsevier 作為您的合作夥伴,您將獲得易於無障礙取閱、值得信賴的實證資訊。
得力於 ClinicalKey 和 Shadow Health 等由專業策劃的實證內容組成的產品,為您提供值得信賴的研究和見解來推動您的醫療保健決策和教育。
在 Elsevier,我們專注於尋找並提供最值得信賴的資訊,改善社會處理疾病爆發以及個體患者護理的方式。
聆聽我們的內容專家、解決方案、內容、策略和合作夥伴關係全球副總裁 FACP 醫學博士 Louise Chang 博士和全球內容合作夥伴董事總經理 Kevonne Holloway 講述 Elsevier 對實證知識的承諾,以及增強對研究的信心如何有助於確保更好的患者照護和治療效果。
In an era of healthcare misinformation, Elsevier Health leverages AI to assist clinicians in navigating the infodemic. By combining our world-class trusted content with advanced AI, we transform how clinicians access evidence-based medical information, empowering them to make confident, informed decisions.
Our high-quality content forms the backbone of our AI approach, providing trustworthy resources. With an AI-enhanced search tool, clinicians can quickly filter through the noise to find the evidence-backed information they need for high-quality patient care.
“Trust is key for clinicians, who need to rely on relevant, current, and transparent information. It is essential for artificial intelligence to be trusted by showing the origins of information and reasoning behind answers.”
Tim Morris
Elsevier 的 Vice President